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laine | all galleries >> England >> Durham and the Dales > Sloped
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Older than the tree but a replica VR near Durham Cathedral and being tilted by the nearby roots.

Penfold post boxes are distinguished by their hexagonal construction and Acanthus bud surmounting the cap. The original Penfolds were made by Cochrane & Co of Dudley, Worcestershire between 1866 and 1879. Replicas were made by Machan Engineering of Denny, Stirlingshire in 1988–89.

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Frank Brault07-Sep-2017 17:13
So much character and a terrific background. V
larose forest photos06-Sep-2017 21:58
Great thinking with "sloped"; love the old letter boxes, they are a nostalgic sight for many reasons. V
Stephanie04-Sep-2017 21:41
What a charming letter box that pops with color! :)
Walter Otto Koenig04-Sep-2017 19:54
nice find and well composed with the church in the background. "V"
Yvonne04-Sep-2017 10:46
A lovely piece of historic street equipment... v
LynnH04-Sep-2017 03:53
I like the colorful letter box. Poor thing needs some straightening. :) V
Dennis Hoyne04-Sep-2017 03:41
So nice with that'd church in the background. V
Jola Dziubinska03-Sep-2017 22:30
The red post box nicely stands out from the brownish surroundings. Well seen, Laine. V.
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