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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> Wales >> Images from Wales - 2017 > Memorial
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27-AUG-2017 John Reynolds


Aberystwyth, Ceredigion

Memorial erected in 1923 to commemorate 111 people from Aberystwyth who died in the First World War.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Blandine Mangin31-Aug-2017 10:12
beautiful ! v
Ken Chambers ARPS30-Aug-2017 21:58
The blue evening sky worked very well.
chris morton30-Aug-2017 20:28
a very successful and dramatic presentation of it
Helen Betts30-Aug-2017 19:22
Marvelous near-silhouette, and perfect with the moon in view. V.
joseantonio30-Aug-2017 18:28
very nice work with the light.V
Martin Lamoon30-Aug-2017 18:14
i like this shot with the moon to the side.
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