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Cheryl Ridge | all galleries >> COLLECTABLES & NOSTALGIA >> Disneyana >> Disney miniatures and gashapon > Yujin Disney Princess Snow White and Ariel mini towels
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Yujin Disney Princess Snow White and Ariel mini towels

Yujin Disney Princess Snow White and Ariel Dreaming Petit Towels approx 16cm across (from set of 6)

Gachapon - vending machine capsule toys

ref: Walt Disney, pixar, gashapon, gacha, miniatures, takara tomy, kawaii japan, asia,
Tomy Yujin Corp TYC, Tomy Yujin Europe TYE, retired, vintage, toy collections, collectibles,
collectables, disneyana, disney merchandise, made in China, Disney enterprises Inc, capsule world

other sizes: small medium original auto
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