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Robbie D70 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chapter Two > bridge and Castle B and White copy.jpg
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bridge and Castle B and White copy.jpg

A very popular castle scene.
Taken by many photographers.

Nikon D70
1/60s f/13.0 at 22.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg09-Sep-2017 19:24
Fabulous shot and very enticing B&W conversion. Very dramatic indeed. The D70 still gets some great shots. ~BV~
globalgadabout08-Jan-2017 17:13
stirring image, and such delicious tones...bravo Robbie...V
Ton T.20-Dec-2016 11:10
Fantastic composition and mood! Love the mono V
Johnnie Rogers 18-Dec-2016 09:09
Love the detail, nicely done! ~v~
Gill Kopy18-Dec-2016 05:28
A beautiful scene indeed ! Works very nicely in B&W V
Pete Hemington17-Dec-2016 08:19
monotone magic - so well presented good Sir
Martin Lamoon16-Dec-2016 20:00
Superb B&W and a great view of the castle from here.
Yvonne15-Dec-2016 09:48
Wonderful in mono... v
tglass15-Dec-2016 07:44
Very dramatic! Even the sky is moody. V
joseantonio15-Dec-2016 05:15
it´s an amazing view so nicely composed.V.
Range View 15-Dec-2016 03:30
Stunning image superbly composed.
Graeme14-Dec-2016 22:46
In monochrome this scene looks so dramatic, Rob! The reflections are superb and the imposing castle has a real sense of mystery about it. I love it. Well done.VVV!!
John Reynolds LRPS14-Dec-2016 22:17
It's an impressive scene. Great viewpoint. V.
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