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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> GERMANY 2016 > Bremen. Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
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Bremen. Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten

The "Town Musicians of Bremen" (Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten) is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. Despite the title of the fairy tale, the characters never actually arrive in Bremen.
In the story a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster (or hen), all past their prime years in life and usefulness on their respective farms, were soon to be discarded or mistreated by their masters. One by one they leave their homes and set out together. They decide to go to Bremen, known for its freedom, to live without owners and become musicians there.On the way to Bremen, they see a lighted cottage; they look inside and see four robbers enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Standing on each other's backs, they decide to scare the robbers away by making a din; the men run for their lives, not knowing what the strange sound is. The animals take possession of the house, eat a good meal, and settle in for the evening.

Canon EOS 70D
1/50s f/5.6 at 19.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield20-Oct-2016 02:26
Very fascinating.
Gill Kopy20-Oct-2016 01:20
My favourite fairy tale - especially when the Muppets took it on ! V
Fabienne18-Oct-2016 19:50
Une statue très originale et elle a une belle histoire.
Zoltán Balogh18-Oct-2016 10:41
My very favourite, superb! V
Dennis Hoyne18-Oct-2016 02:14
I guess that's what happens when past your prime. I know.
Nora van Beek17-Oct-2016 19:11
I remember this children's story! Interesting to see this statue. V
Tom LeRoy17-Oct-2016 16:28
A famous statue, a nice entry for the gallery. V
gerard belbeoch17-Oct-2016 15:05
antonio,wonderful statue and capture
Walter Otto Koenig17-Oct-2016 14:35
Nice shot of this sculpture. One of the better known and popular of Grimm's Fairy Tales. "V"
Nick Paoni17-Oct-2016 14:28
What a fun capture.
lucanton17-Oct-2016 13:36
magnifique sculpture! V
Helen Betts17-Oct-2016 13:25
What a delightful sculpture and story! Excellent capture of them, too. V.
Neil Marcus17-Oct-2016 13:08
An amusing idea for a sculpture.
Juliette17-Oct-2016 11:44
wonderful statue and capture V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal17-Oct-2016 08:12
What a fantastic image, well done Jose. V
Ceya17-Oct-2016 07:40
Nice sculpture and your shot of it, love the story, too, thanks for sharing! V
Johnnie Rogers 17-Oct-2016 07:27
Fascinating sculpture and a great story!
Michael Tauber17-Oct-2016 05:07
Nice found and well framed.
Steven Jusczyk17-Oct-2016 04:48
Enjoyed the picture and the tale!
Bryan Murahashi17-Oct-2016 04:45
Nice capture for these characters of this fairy tale.
barbarajoy17-Oct-2016 04:10
"The Brementown Musicians"! And there they are. Good one Jose!
fotabug17-Oct-2016 03:36
Wonderful photo and story! Delightful! V
larose forest photos17-Oct-2016 03:31
Oh, this is priceless. I remember that fairy tale well! Love this shot. VV
Jim Coffman17-Oct-2016 03:09
Now that is different! Nice capture, Jose...
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