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Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Coventry > In the Car Park
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In the Car Park

Nikon D7100
1/2000s f/8.0 at 20.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ton T.20-Oct-2016 17:16
Most impressive work! V
Tom LeRoy19-Oct-2016 08:10
Showing depth and symmetry, it's a fine shot. V
Johnny JAG17-Oct-2016 19:08
Superb perspective
Colin Storey17-Oct-2016 18:16
Fantastic perspective and image.
John Reynolds LRPS17-Oct-2016 15:55
Well done. Always look up!
Graeme17-Oct-2016 11:25
An excellent perspective and capture of the windows, Mark.V
MarcViskens17-Oct-2016 08:22
Very nice composed
Bill Miller17-Oct-2016 05:20
Wow, an impressive modern car park.
Helen Betts17-Oct-2016 00:34
What a fantastic perspective! I would never have guessed it was a car park if you hadn't said so. V.
Stephanie16-Oct-2016 20:45
Going up?
I'm guessing this is the interior of an elevator shaft, though I'm really not sure...
Cool capture! V
Martin Lamoon16-Oct-2016 17:42
A great photograph mark.
joseantonio16-Oct-2016 17:35
very nice perspective.v.
chris morton16-Oct-2016 16:40
I hope you drove over those cross-beams carefully and didn't lose a wheel down a hole
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