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10-SEP-2016 Paul AKA Sparkey2

Bifocals Needed

Frisco Lake Olathe, KS

If one looks closely there are multiple methods of transportation in this photo. The cars in the background, the train in the background, power lines in the background but most important the walking path around a small city lake we walk at often flooded last night from all the excessive rains we've been receiving lately. Normally there is a walking path that goes very near those trees and it's well underwater so the fish are being transported from the inner section of the late to the outside edges and in a few days I will be back and I will find dead or dying fish left behind because of the receding water. (I know who cares)... Bla bla bla...... Paul

Apple iPhone 6S
1/600s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso5000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Canon Image Challenge13-Sep-2016 17:48
That could change her thoughts on it, I remember you posting photos and comments about being at 9000 in the past and I know that will scare her off. Ill Show her the trail map, thanks.

About 18 years back a very close neighbor moved to woodland park Colorado and built a house outside of town. He asked me to wire it for him and being a flat lander it was a challenge working at 7200 feet. Where they were staying until their place was finished was at just under 9000 and was storing materials there until ready to be installed. 1000 foot reels of copper Romex are tough to manhandle at that altitude. Paul.
Canon Image Challenge13-Sep-2016 02:57
We can talk more later, but there is a very easy trail at around 4500 ft that she might be able to handle. Most of it is paved; about a mile or so in length, with some extensions off it.
There is another trail that is closer to 6000 ft we could check out.

Canon Image Challenge13-Sep-2016 00:33
I would love the opportunity to go to the canyon. (Note to self, pack hiking boots) I have always loved going into the back country but my wife on the other hand does not like or handle altitudes well so I'd have to figure out what she could do during that time. Paul
Canon Image Challenge12-Sep-2016 19:23
That is certainly a lot of standing water. I can sympathize. In MN we have had almost 2x the amount of rain in August than we normally get.
And I think southern AZ has also gotten a lot more, spurred on by last week's remnants of a hurricane. I'm told that we will see a lot of new flowers in Oct, as well as a lot of bugs; especially in Madera Canyon. I will have a lot of weeds at home to deal with as well.
I had thought that you (and your wife?), Mr T, and I would see for ourselves how Madera Canyon looks.
