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Gary | all galleries >> Galleries >> sunrises_and_sunsets > Setting-Sun-
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August 29, 2016 Gary O'Dell sagebrush photograph


Bitterroot Valley, Montana

For the better part of this Summer our Valley and surrounding mountains, have been covered in smoke, from the many Wildfires burning in our area. This image, of last evenings setting sun, was affected by the smoke filtered light. I chose to isolate just the setting sun by blacking out it' surroundings, which pacifically forces ones eye too focus on the setting sun.

Canon EOS 7D ,Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
ISO 100, 109mm, f/10, @ 1-250 sec. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Cemil Gursen08-Feb-2017 22:31
Wonderful. V
MarcViskens26-Sep-2016 05:45
Very beautiful Gary
Tom Munson30-Aug-2016 22:47
This is a WOW image, Gary. Great shot.
Jim Coffman30-Aug-2016 19:41
Simply awesome, Gary!
fotabug30-Aug-2016 18:44
Wow, what an amazing sky color! It is gorgeous, though unfortunately it is helped by wildfires! V
Buz Kiefer30-Aug-2016 18:28
Beautiful end of the day photo. Vote.
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