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Photo.Keely | all galleries >> Special Projects >> Fauna + Flora >> Cattle > Roundup
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20-JUL-2016 Dick Keely


Domaine de Méjanes en Camargue, Arles, France

Domaine Paul Ricard

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/1000s f/5.3 at 220.0mm iso720 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield06-Aug-2016 00:32
Superb. V
Konrad Busslinger02-Aug-2016 21:15
Poor calve but great shot!
Dennis Hoyne01-Aug-2016 02:22
Another fantastic action shot! V.
fotabug31-Jul-2016 06:17
Excellent image! V
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