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13-NOV-2015 Don Lambert

One of the Very Well Trained and Helpful Staff at the Durban Hilton

Durban, South Africa

Some 90% of all hotel Staff in South Africa are black. Their service was excellent. Given that some 90% of the Society is black, there is a Government policy giving employment priority to blacks. This is in all industries including police forces. We arrived late into Durban and picked up the car at the International Airport. We got lost as Durban is a large city. We saw a parked police car and I stopped and asked them for directions to the Hilton. They said 'follow us' and they led us direct to the hotel. Both officers were black and we were very grateful and impressed.

Canon PowerShot SX520 HS
1/80s f/3.5 at 6.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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