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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer at the Lake > Lost in clouds.jpg
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Lost in clouds.jpg

Canon EOS 6D
1/640s f/8.0 at 195.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sam Rua21-Aug-2016 04:55
Wow. Just fantastic. Nicely done, Gill.
Claude31-Jul-2016 00:16
Great capture of boat and reflections.V
Alexander Kazakov26-Jul-2016 14:15
Wow! V
Stefano Dei20-Jun-2016 04:28
Wow Gill, che immagine potente, il trionfo della semplicità!
Grande occhio del fotografo, brava!
Karen Moen13-Jun-2016 22:18
A wonderful image of two people in a "flying" Boat! Voted.
Ursula Miller07-Jun-2016 08:00
This is a great capture, Gill! V
Don05-Jun-2016 21:54
Seems like an appropriate moment to ponder the meaning of life; a wonderful image.
Buz Kiefer04-Jun-2016 23:17
Whoa. This is really nice. Had to look twice at this one. Vote.
Claude03-Jun-2016 20:52
Floating on a cloud.Great shot.V
Pierre03-Jun-2016 17:47
Vous avez capté une très belle scène avec ces superbes réflexions! V
Nirvan Hope03-Jun-2016 17:33
A colorful boat in the wide big sky of lake. Beautiful!
bill friedlander03-Jun-2016 17:16
A nice dreamy look, the boat is well placed in the frame. V
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jun-2016 14:30
Wonderful with the reflection, it make it look like the well placed boat is floating. "V"
globalgadabout03-Jun-2016 13:31
almost entrancing...tasty image Gill..V
barbarajoy03-Jun-2016 12:35
A magical scene Gill. So cleverly done!! V
Jeff Real03-Jun-2016 12:22
You have made a magical work that I will never forget ~V~
Neil Marcus03-Jun-2016 12:08
They do appear to be floating. Perfect placement of the boat. "V"
peterjay4503-Jun-2016 11:41
Great image, Gill, wonderful composition. Wow!!
Peter Stubley03-Jun-2016 11:26
Nice shot.
Yvonne03-Jun-2016 10:47
Superb... seems to be floating in space! v
Tom LeRoy03-Jun-2016 08:24
A wonderfully composed image. The small boat coupled with the cloud reflections and blue mood makes this special. V
Helen Betts03-Jun-2016 06:25
What a dreamy capture, with those watercolor-like reflections. V.
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