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Vincent Belford | all galleries >> Galleries >> STEPS > Ansonia Hotel
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1997 VB

Ansonia Hotel

Manhattan NY


Contax G2 ,Zeiss 28mm 2F

other sizes: small medium original auto
photo.slufirski14-Jul-2012 23:43
Truly amazing... V.
Sue Roberts31-Jul-2008 12:29
why didnt i ever comment on this picture? it is one of my favorites of yours!
Thomas27-Feb-2008 08:45
this one is really outstanding! great compo & POV, V
George McCarten23-Mar-2007 12:12
This is special. Love the perspective. Did you turn the image upside down?
james200230-Jul-2006 14:01
This is such a great shot. Vote.
bygaspo26-Jan-2006 13:55
Great shot. Made me go giddy. Regards Bygaspo.
Guest 13-Mar-2005 07:57
i love the colors and the composition
well done!

Guest 25-Aug-2004 01:24
Nice composition and perspective...
Mattias Backström12-Jun-2003 14:46
Haha, this one was probably the coolest one I've seen in here! It's similar to one of the ones I've got from Barcelona, taken in the huge cathedral. I like this kind of pictures, where you have to think for a while before understanding what it really is. Thanks for the comments on my photos, I'll add more soon.
Guest 10-Jun-2003 23:37
Very nice shot, and very original. I want one...
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