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John | all galleries >> banners >> Beautiful People >> Me, Myself & Eye > On the road again.
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On the road again.

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Kevin Warren19-Jan-2020 02:04
Very cool, I'm a fan of you both.
Jola Dziubinska18-Dec-2017 22:37
Nice to meet you, both :)
Alexander Kazakov17-May-2016 12:13
Lovely portrait! V
janescottcumming15-May-2016 23:41
That's pretty neat, well done! V
Marcia Rules15-May-2016 23:09
extraordinary vision John! I always marvel how you see ~ BV
slhoornstra15-May-2016 18:09
What a beautiful dog! V
Neil Marcus13-May-2016 14:21
I chuckled from the dogs expression.The crop p is pure John. "vVv" {