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Gary Hudes | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Streets of Philadelphia > City Residential
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City Residential

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FujiFilm X-E2
1/80s f/8.0 at 27.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer11-May-2016 22:05
This is composed beautifully. The street is beautiful and the cobble stone adds to that. Having a human form in the frame really makes the photo come alive. Well done; fine photography. Vote.
Neil Marcus11-May-2016 14:27
I spent the winter of 1955 in a South Philly walkup apartment while in the Navy.
Neil Marcus11-May-2016 14:25
A very good composition of this venerable street. I remember front steps like that. "V"
Walter Otto Koenig11-May-2016 13:57
Great composition with this perspective. Very nice clarity and detail. "V"
Jim Coffman10-May-2016 22:48
A superb capture... So well composed, so sharp !!
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