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Don | all galleries >> # quiet places # >> # the western woodlands # > sentinel
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The sentinel is a Tropical Cypress-pine (Callitris intratropica), growing among boulders where it is sheltered from fire. It is overlooking ridges of fire-resistant eucalypt species.
Occasional wildfire is major driver of the ecology of these woodlands, as it is in so many parts of Australia – the land of fire.

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Pierre28-Mar-2018 18:36
Une très jolie mise en valeur de cet arbre! V
Alexander Kazakov13-Mar-2016 19:30
Superb! V
Gill Kopy13-Mar-2016 02:19
Amazing how this tree survives in this environment. Super shot V
Nirvan Hope07-Mar-2016 18:03
Great portrait of this distinctive tree standing above the crowd, seeking rocky protection from fire. Might it not though attract lightning...
Jim Coffman07-Mar-2016 15:21
Nice capture of this lone sentinel,Don!
Missed Opportunities07-Mar-2016 12:28
For Australia it's fire; for central North America, it's tornadoes - this is a well composed image with beautiful green tones
Yvonne07-Mar-2016 10:50
It certainly is a "land of fire" - each summer the dread always looms! Amazing
tree shot Don. v
Irene Wehrli07-Mar-2016 10:44
This is such a lovely tree, in shape and color - nicely composed, Don!
joseantonio07-Mar-2016 10:34
very nice composition.V.
chris morton07-Mar-2016 08:13
the fire perspective is thought provoking for us northerners
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