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Alexander Kazakov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lithuania > Neman river.
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04-Jan-2015 Alexander Kazakov

Neman river.


Baltic States 2015

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Graeme19-Jun-2016 10:19
Beautiful rural scene and river.V
Julie Oldfield29-Feb-2016 01:28
This is so beautiful. V
Dennis Hoyne28-Feb-2016 19:29
I can feel the cold! A lovely shot. V.
bill friedlander28-Feb-2016 16:58
Great composition, love the house in the corner. V
Tom Munson28-Feb-2016 15:35
Beautiful work!
Martin Lamoon28-Feb-2016 14:02
Superbly captured landscape.
Jeff Real28-Feb-2016 13:58
A beautiful yellow house in this gorgeous scene ~V~
marie-jose wolff28-Feb-2016 13:39
wonderful landscape with that cloudy sky! V
peterjay4528-Feb-2016 12:08
Spectacular view! Very well shot.
Stephanie28-Feb-2016 12:00
Beautiful dramatic sky and scene! V
Yvonne28-Feb-2016 10:58
Be interesting to see this same scene in different seasons... v
Anitta28-Feb-2016 09:41
Awesome POV and scene. V
barbarajoy28-Feb-2016 09:19
Beautiful view! V
Gerard Koehl28-Feb-2016 07:39
Superbe vue et ambiance. V
Helen Betts28-Feb-2016 06:39
Excellent from this perspective, and I like that dramatic sky as well. V.
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