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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Architecture >> Getty Center 6 >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/320s f/8.0 at 15.0mm iso400 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

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hamery12-Feb-2016 09:13
Excellent wide shot with stunning dynamism. You pov is masterful, Walter ! BV x 10
Julie Oldfield12-Feb-2016 04:03
The lines are superb. Beautiful creamy tones. V
Frank Brault12-Feb-2016 02:38
A superb point of view. Excellent graphics, depth and tones. V
Gill Kopy12-Feb-2016 02:15
Wow ! what a fabulous shot - you are SO good at working with lines and architecture BV
globalgadabout12-Feb-2016 00:15
excoriating image...both view and mood are enchanting...V
Dan Greenberg11-Feb-2016 21:41
Thrilling placement of vertical and angular lines in this brilliantly conceived image. ~BV~
Colin Storey11-Feb-2016 20:16
Very nicely composed image from this great building.
Kim11-Feb-2016 20:12
Very nice composition with the perspective and leading lines to the center! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)11-Feb-2016 19:49
Excellent image and mono perspective.V
Martin Lamoon11-Feb-2016 19:33
A superbly composed photograph.
carabias11-Feb-2016 19:03
I love that attractive geometry, attracting the background, so beautiful! V
Gerard Koehl11-Feb-2016 18:52
Superbe composition. V
Jim Coffman11-Feb-2016 18:00
Another very fine capture from this amazing place!
John Hamers11-Feb-2016 17:54
Superb perspective for his excellent image !!V
joseantonio11-Feb-2016 17:52
Nice use of that column for framing.V.
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