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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lines - Straight and Curved > Lines in a Tunnel
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Jane Cumming

Lines in a Tunnel

Nikon D5000
1/30s f/4.0 at 55.0mm iso220 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Neil Marcus21-Jan-2017 20:04
I missed this somehow. Well seen and I love the pure B&W to accentuate it. "VV"
Carl Carbone07-Apr-2016 13:13
Excellent composition and processing.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Mar-2016 08:15
How stunningly beautiful!V
Buz Kiefer01-Feb-2016 18:34
Lovely. Great treatment on the contrast and exposure. Very fine result. Vote.
bill friedlander01-Feb-2016 16:47
Nice contrasting tones add tension to the commute. V
Karen Stuebing01-Feb-2016 16:45
Love this! The lines of lights stretching out are especially nice. V.
larose forest photos01-Feb-2016 15:47
Very clever. Love this creative shot. V
Walter Otto Koenig01-Feb-2016 15:10
Great with this high contrast, perspective and processing work. "V"
Martin Lamoon01-Feb-2016 15:09
John01-Feb-2016 13:07
Love it, love the dark mood and high contrast. V
Blandine Mangin01-Feb-2016 10:42
very beautiful ! v
Irene Wehrli01-Feb-2016 09:18
That's a marvelous low light, great work!
Carol How31-Jan-2016 23:28
Do you live in Vancouver? Like the great contrasts of tones… V
John Hamers31-Jan-2016 21:45
Great, creative image !!V
joseantonio31-Jan-2016 19:42
fascinating capture and treatment.V.
Colin Storey31-Jan-2016 19:16
Very creative image.
Johnny JAG31-Jan-2016 18:26
Very clever
Neil Marcus31-Jan-2016 17:46
Wow! Original work! I love it.Big vote
globalgadabout31-Jan-2016 17:34
bold, and richly evocative..V
Jim Coffman31-Jan-2016 17:31
Wow, this is so cool!!!
Helen Betts31-Jan-2016 17:22
Very effective treatment for this tunnel. I hope it's not really that dark in there ;-). V.
carabias31-Jan-2016 17:19
It's nice and creative V
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