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Philippine Aviation | all galleries >> Galleries >> Philippine Airlines B-737 > PAL Boeing 737-400 EI-CVO Ferry Flight to Manila
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APR-2001 Jack Hannen

PAL Boeing 737-400 EI-CVO Ferry Flight to Manila

San Francisco, CA (SFO/KSFO)

I waited hours to catch this ferry flight of EI-CVO. She was supposed to arrive in the afternoon & park at the north side of
SFO International Terminal G which would have been optimal for taking photographs of her.

But there were delays in her ferry and she ended up arriving in the evening and parked at International Terminal gate A12 instead.

There being no good vantage points from within the terminal I risked taking this shot by stopping at the highway on-ramp to SFO & and
took chances of not getting caught by the police.

The hasty hand-held manner in which the image was taken resulted in this blurry shot but that adrenaline filled night is very memorable to me.
Despite the setback I managed to catch this rare shot of a PAL Boeing 737-400 & PAL 747-400 together at SFO.

Manufacturer: Boeing Model: 737-4S3 Type: B734 c/n: 25594 l/n: 2223

Operator History:
PK-YVQ Metro Batavia 2008
N594AB Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA Trustee 2008
HS-DDK Nok Air 2007
EI-CVO Philippine Airlines 2000
SP-LLH LOT Polish Airlines 2000
N2423N Head Balloons, Inc 2000
TC-AVA Instanbul Airlines 1993
9M-MLJ Malaysia Airlines 1992

EICVOApr2001 copyc.jpg

0.00s full exif

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Philippine Aviation29-Jan-2016 21:28
Photo uploaded 3:45PM EST Jan 29, 2016.
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