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peterjay45 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Regurgitated and Revamped > On The Prowl
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12-MAR-2005 peter

On The Prowl

Calgary, Alberta

The Flatboyz, looking for trouble.

Sorry, a weak attempt, I know. :)

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 18-70 kit lens
f11, ISO 200, 2 exposures manually blended full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real02-Aug-2020 13:06
You have taken this great find and produced your own art!
It is art that I find most compelling.
I think flatboyz is hilarious!
bill friedlander11-Mar-2018 23:59
The light is perfect and the details excellent. V
Fong Lam02-Mar-2018 16:06
Fascinating sculptures....they look alive marching in unison...excellent capture, Peter...V
Patricia Kay08-Feb-2017 17:53
Fabulous image with great PP Peter...BV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Dec-2016 19:56
Excellent capture....Vote
Graeme23-Jun-2016 18:52
A fine composition of this sculpture and background, Peter!!
janescottcumming12-Jan-2016 23:21
What fun!
Alexander Kazakov11-Jan-2016 13:00
Excellent! V
Jean Chiasson10-Jan-2016 20:21
Great scene peter
Tom LeRoy10-Jan-2016 13:39
Wow, spectacular graphics and fine look to this image. Looks fresh as today !
Raymond Ma10-Jan-2016 04:43
Great shot of the "gang", I really like the pp work and the overall illumination.
Gill Kopy10-Jan-2016 02:21
This isn't a weak attempt at all ! Love it - stunning image BV
Allan Jay10-Jan-2016 00:19
A Stand Out the theatrical element it
displays, Peter!
Kim09-Jan-2016 19:40
Great graphic impact and excellent composition! V
danad09-Jan-2016 16:11
An image endowed with an indisputable visual impact ! Superb angle and tone's harmony. V.
Neil Marcus09-Jan-2016 15:01
It is a good title and a strong image. I hope that Marcia and I stumble across this when we go to Calgary in May
joseantonio09-Jan-2016 13:25
very nice work with this presentation