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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Northern Winter > Northern winter.jpg
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Northern winter.jpg

Francois Lake, B.C.

Frigid air moving in !!

Canon EOS 6D
1/800s f/2.8 at 165.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ken Zaret16-Jun-2017 03:32
Beautiful shot Gill, dreamy. Just the right amount of mist and fog: a lot!
Don11-Dec-2015 06:46
This is a wonderful evocation on winter - but you can keep your cold.
Alexander Kazakov02-Dec-2015 09:52
Wonderful shot! V
Pierre01-Dec-2015 23:52
Une très jolie scène hivernale magnifiquement présentée! V
Range View 01-Dec-2015 23:04
Magnificent image of this of this beautiful scene. V.
Allan Jay01-Dec-2015 21:34
Another gem, Gill!
Has the appearance of rising from the
Ursula Miller01-Dec-2015 20:46
This looks cold and beautiful. Excellent mood for a romantic winter card. Very well done, Gill! V
MarcViskens01-Dec-2015 19:57
beautiful composition Gill
very well done
bill friedlander01-Dec-2015 17:44
Looks cold and isolated. Its a super shot and you caught the mood perfectly. V
Walter Otto Koenig01-Dec-2015 16:24
Looks frigid and beautiful. Certainly conveys a winter mood. "V"
danad01-Dec-2015 15:35
A beautiful winter mood !V.
Yvonne01-Dec-2015 10:24
Certainly has the feeling of chilly days... but very beautiful. v
Tom LeRoy01-Dec-2015 09:30
The perfect winter scene, breathtaking. V
Helen Betts01-Dec-2015 05:35
What a beautiful scene and great mood. This would be perfect for a Christmas card! V.
Neil Marcus01-Dec-2015 05:05
It is a beautiful image and accentuated by the impression of cold and wind. You live in a magnificent area but I don't envy you this weather.
joseantonio01-Dec-2015 04:32
Maybe a bit too cold for me.V.
peterjay4501-Dec-2015 03:24
Wow, beautiful shot, Gill. Great mood.
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