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Neil Marcus | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorites of 2015 > Red Maple
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Red Maple

Sony α7R
1/100s f/6.3 at 26.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
bill friedlander27-Nov-2015 18:38
Wonderful autumn colors. Nice shot. V
John Hamers27-Nov-2015 18:08
Wonderful colors in this amazing tree. love the tight crop !!V
Tom LeRoy27-Nov-2015 18:04
A frame filling beauty, so nice to see this in its full glory ! V
Walter Otto Koenig27-Nov-2015 17:50
Beautiful colors. Looks nice with this diffused lighting.
danad27-Nov-2015 15:57
I like your framing and all the elements in this very fine image. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Nov-2015 15:15
Very well done! V
globalgadabout27-Nov-2015 15:12
fine shot...this one is peaking at the moment..
peterjay4527-Nov-2015 14:54
A magnificent tree, Neil. Beautiful colours.
Jeff Real27-Nov-2015 14:39
That is one amazing very beautiful! ~V~
Jim Coffman27-Nov-2015 14:35
Fantastic color in this great shot, Neil!
Anitta27-Nov-2015 14:13
Amazing find, Neil! Gorgeous colors. V
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