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Johnnie Rogers | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Box > meavatar_edited-1.jpg
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Canon PowerShot SD 1200 IS
1/125s f/8.0 at 6.2mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robbie D7027-Sep-2016 14:15
Looking good in this pic John, hope your at full health soon.
fotabug10-Aug-2016 17:58
Great portrait! Say, I just showed this photo to my wife and we were talking about the resemblance to my father and an uncle. Wouldn't it be something if we were related? My great-grandfather did come here from Wales sometime around 1900! His name was John Rogers. :) That was also the name of my grandfather. The family settled in the South Bay area, a little was south of Seattle, not far from Olympia. Maybe I should call you cousin.
hamery20-Nov-2015 14:45
Finally, a new portrait and a wonderful nice gentleman with a profession look.
Best wishes,
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