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laine | all galleries >> Australia's Eastern States >> new_south_wales > Northern Highlands, NSW ~ Power Lines,
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Northern Highlands, NSW ~ Power Lines,

We have had 4 granddaughters here the past 3 days and I'm a bit behind in posting and comments.
Zoe says thank you for your comments on her photo of her sister. She's been practicing her macro efforts all weekend.

This photo is another of my drive-by shots from our holiday.

Please view in original for best results
October Lines Challenge Here

Canon EOS M
1/2500s f/6.3 at 47.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH25-Oct-2015 22:24
I can hardly see them, thankfully. At least they don't block the pretty scenery there. V
hamery21-Oct-2015 00:32
Power lines is lines as well , Laine. Well done for the quick respond and capture ! V
Jola Dziubinska20-Oct-2015 12:43
I like also the vertical lines of tree trunks and the road line, wonderful landscape. V.
bill friedlander19-Oct-2015 22:21
A pleasing landscape shot surprisingly so well done while driving by. V
Colin Storey19-Oct-2015 19:39
Lovely rural scene. v
joseantonio19-Oct-2015 16:42
such a lovely contrast of colors.V
Walter Otto Koenig19-Oct-2015 16:27
A beautiful landscape. Really like the lighting in the foreground. "V"
marie-jose wolff19-Oct-2015 15:03
fine landscape, superb lighting! V
Gerard Koehl19-Oct-2015 13:54
Superbe. V
Carol Rollins19-Oct-2015 13:44
This is beautiful!
Ann...19-Oct-2015 11:41
The trees don't look well but from a photography point of view they'd be very interesting indeed! As to the power lines, love 'em or hate 'em we can't do without 'em.
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