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Cape Woolamai

Phillip Island, Victoria.

Canon EOS Rebel T3i ,Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM Macro
1/250s f/8.0 at 51.0mm iso400

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Barry McCartney27-Aug-2015 03:36
The kind of place I would like to be - nice! V
Chris Spracklen10-Aug-2015 21:37
Looks like a bracing morning for a walk, Barbara. *V*
Ken Chambers ARPS09-Aug-2015 20:40
Walking with a confident stride.
Zeeby09-Aug-2015 12:18
Delightful seascape composition! V+++
Tom LeRoy09-Aug-2015 11:59
I like the ruggend beach and pleasing atmosphere. I see why you like this place so well. Great shot, Barbara. V
Yvonne09-Aug-2015 11:04
Pacing out there... well timed Barbara! v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal09-Aug-2015 06:31
This is beautiful Barbara, great work. V
Dave Petersen Photography08-Aug-2015 14:33
What a beautiful and refreshing place to walk with the beautiful scenery, the wonderful smell of the sea and the brisk breeze. A wonderful capture Barbara with a great mood. Voted
laine08-Aug-2015 14:11
A fine does look cold though :) V
Torben Jorgensen08-Aug-2015 14:10
Great atmosphere in this shot. V
David Lewins08-Aug-2015 10:58
Nicely composed and captured, love the rough seas!
Gerard Koehl08-Aug-2015 06:08
Superbe scène. V
Ursula Miller08-Aug-2015 05:39
Beautiful capture, Barbara. It looks a bit chilly. V
Martin Lamoon08-Aug-2015 04:10
Wonderful shot of the seashore.
Dennis Hoyne08-Aug-2015 03:33
What beautiful scenery, it's always good to include people to add life and a sense of scale. A superb composition! V.
Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Aug-2015 01:27
Beautiful scene with the mist from the spray.
Tom Munson08-Aug-2015 01:27
Looks like a great place for a walk. Terrific image.
woody3408-Aug-2015 00:40
It looks as if it would be a brisk and invigorating walk along that delightful beach .Great.V
Fletcher Wildlife Garden08-Aug-2015 00:22
It would be exhilarating to walk along that lovely beach. Marvelous shot! VV
Jim Coffman07-Aug-2015 23:29
A rough sea and a bit windy but a great image!!
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