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cobler | all galleries >> Galleries >> THE CENTURY OF FLIGHT > Boeing 747 Liner
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Boeing 747 Liner

Orville and Wilbur Wright were never able to witness the super fast and high airliners that travel the globe today, but the design and function of these giant planes retain the basic design of the Wright Flyer that lifted off the sands of Kitty Hawk over one hundred years ago.

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Tom LeRoy08-Jan-2018 18:37
Just recently retired the 747 is a marvelous aircraft. Excellent work on this classic jetliner! V
janescottcumming08-Nov-2015 15:36
Wow, this looks great! My dad flew the L1011. Big airplanes!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)15-Sep-2015 19:36
Magnifique! V
gerard belbeoch23-Aug-2015 13:19
un bel effet,bravo
Raymond02-Aug-2015 15:03
Just beautiful work Larry
Doug Griffith02-Aug-2015 14:37
One of your best; among an already amazing gallery of superlative images, Larry.
settler02-Aug-2015 12:45
You sir are an Artist!..BV!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Aug-2015 12:39
Wonderful ,super image. vote
Ken Chambers ARPS01-Aug-2015 19:31
One hundred years is a relatively small amount of time, for so much development to take place. Larry
Marcia Colelli01-Aug-2015 13:09
Very beautiful and amazing image. Nice work V
Jim Coffman01-Aug-2015 12:50
Fantastic work,Larry!
Jeff Real01-Aug-2015 12:32
Wow. Absolutely amazing! ~V~
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