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2015 Jean Durepos

Double-crested Cormorant

Stretch and dry..


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Alexander Kazakov02-Aug-2015 13:47
Superb pose! V
Sam Rua15-Jul-2015 15:28
Very nice detail and light, Jean. V
Janet Forjan-Freedman14-Jul-2015 00:52
Well timed to capture this behavior!
Karen Stuebing13-Jul-2015 18:45
I like his pose. He looks and seems tough. Great detail. V.
Marco Valk13-Jul-2015 17:47
He's got quite an attitiude, LOL. Very nice shot.
Buz Kiefer13-Jul-2015 16:58
Very nice pose of this cormorant drying his wings. Great detail , Jean. Vote.
Blandine Mangin13-Jul-2015 07:25
superbe ! v
Kim12-Jul-2015 23:07
A lovely capture with this pose and great details! V
Tom LeRoy12-Jul-2015 17:59
Nice timing, Jean. Great pose and details. V
Frank Brault12-Jul-2015 17:51
A marvelous portrit and wonderful pose. V
Neil Marcus12-Jul-2015 17:05
A terrific catch of a pose."V"
bill friedlander12-Jul-2015 14:51
Very sharp and a great pose. Cool shot. V
Pierre12-Jul-2015 14:22
Un très beau portrait et une belle vue du plumage dorsale! V
Carol Rollins12-Jul-2015 13:45
What a great pose. Excellent shot Jean, with great clarity and details.
pkocinski12-Jul-2015 12:09
Nice catch of it drying its feathers off.
Guest 12-Jul-2015 11:43
Nice capture all round. Best. J
lucanton12-Jul-2015 08:59
une superbe pose avec les ailes déployées. V
olivier bruning12-Jul-2015 08:21
great pose, great catch! v
Gerard Koehl12-Jul-2015 07:20
Excellente prise. V
joseantonio12-Jul-2015 03:49
stunning capture.V.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet12-Jul-2015 03:00
Superbe dans cette pose.
Jim Coffman12-Jul-2015 02:40
Great pose and great capture!!
Hank Vander Velde12-Jul-2015 02:05
Beautiful sharp wings-out image Jean.
larose forest photos12-Jul-2015 01:52
Fantastic pose and superlative shot! Very impressive. VV
Gill Kopy12-Jul-2015 01:51
What a fabulous bird shot - magnificent bird and beautiful setting BV
Walter Otto Koenig12-Jul-2015 01:43
Great with this pose and detail. Nice background with the grass at the bottom and smoothness above. "V"
globalgadabout12-Jul-2015 01:23
cool catch at a special moment..
Range View 12-Jul-2015 01:19
Brilliant image of this wing drying action Jean. V.
fotabug12-Jul-2015 01:12
Wonderful close up view
Jean Chiasson12-Jul-2015 00:47
Wonderful capture Jean vote