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Canon EOS 5D
1/3200s f/2.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
janescottcumming02-Jul-2015 12:16
A delicate beauty! V
MarcViskens28-Jun-2015 08:43
very pretty Kim
Stephanie27-Jun-2015 22:11
WOW! Gorgeous focal point and floral capture!! VV
Alexander Kazakov27-Jun-2015 20:14
Outstanding DOF! V
Irene Wehrli24-Jun-2015 16:52
Oh - such a lovely columbine Kim, the blossom looks like a little crown…
Zeeby24-Jun-2015 08:21
Such a delicate and beautiful flowers, terrific capture! BV
Yvonne24-Jun-2015 04:16
Exquisite! v
laine23-Jun-2015 15:34
A little charmer...gorgeous detail, Kim. V
Ceya23-Jun-2015 11:58
Love the light and detail! So delicate. V
Blandine Mangin23-Jun-2015 11:06
beautiful close-up ! v
Tom LeRoy23-Jun-2015 10:29
Soft and delicate. Superb composition, light and colors! V
Zoltán Balogh23-Jun-2015 09:56
Simply terrific! V
Gill Kopy23-Jun-2015 01:40
I love your selective focus on this very beautiful columbine V
Jeff Real22-Jun-2015 22:24
I am inspired by this beauty ~V~
Colin Storey22-Jun-2015 20:29
Beautiful details and bokeh. v
Ken Chambers ARPS22-Jun-2015 20:15
Excellent image, Kim
globalgadabout22-Jun-2015 19:20
delightfully dainty..
John Hamers22-Jun-2015 17:28
Great delicate image, love the accurate narrow focus!!V
Walter Otto Koenig22-Jun-2015 15:22
Beautiful colors and nice precise focus and shallow depth of field. "V"
Martin Lamoon22-Jun-2015 15:18
Wonderful focus on this gorgeous flower.
Richard Townsend22-Jun-2015 15:13
So delicate! Excellent capture. V
Jim Coffman22-Jun-2015 14:52
Nature at her finest!
Raymond22-Jun-2015 14:42
Gerard Koehl22-Jun-2015 14:29
Superbe prise. V
hamery22-Jun-2015 14:19
Soft and elegant with a beautiful composition, Kim. Love the strong lines with the buds. BV+
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