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Jean D | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sailboats, Yachts and more >
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Jean Durepos


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Frank Tran23-Jul-2016 22:53
Great composition and beautiful light. V+
Buz Kiefer02-Jun-2015 18:11
Very nice summer capture. Somehow the boat seems to be actually moving. Nice work. Vote.
Alexander Kazakov02-Jun-2015 14:43
So nice! V
Range View 02-Jun-2015 01:02
Looks a fine craft in this splendid image. V.
Hank Vander Velde31-May-2015 23:54
Beautiful well composed image Jean.
Frank Brault31-May-2015 20:00
A beautiful action image and I love the juxtaposition of the speed boat with the gorgeous sailboat. I don't have one now, but over the years I owned 3 sailboats - the largest was a Cal 25. Some good memories. V
bill friedlander31-May-2015 19:45
A great wy to cool of in the heat of the summer. Like the deep blue of the water. V
Walter Otto Koenig31-May-2015 18:35
Nicely composed with this format, placement in frame and second boat in the background. "V"
Judi Hastings31-May-2015 15:39
Oh I wish I was there right now! Beautiful summer shot!
Jim Coffman31-May-2015 15:23
This is such a inviting scene! Very nice image,Jean!
Carol Rollins31-May-2015 14:51
Nice! Beautiful image!
Blandine Mangin31-May-2015 14:22
un beau voilier! v
pkocinski31-May-2015 13:04
Looks like a fine day for a sail.
Gerard Koehl31-May-2015 06:42
Superbe voilier. V
globalgadabout31-May-2015 06:39
there is whiff of adventure in this fine capture...wonderful colour in the water too..
Tom Munson31-May-2015 04:54
Great shot Jean, of this wonderful boat.
joseantonio31-May-2015 03:58
Looks like the prfect day for sailing.V.