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2015 Jean Durepos

Mandarin Ducks

Best bud's


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Graeme02-May-2018 09:47
Priceless!! BV
Frank Tran13-Jul-2016 04:51
Beautiful and sharp. V+
Len03-Apr-2016 13:19
A beauty great colour and detail. !!!!V.
Alexander Kazakov02-Dec-2015 14:43
Superb shot! V
Yiannis Pavlis22-Sep-2015 12:55
Great photo,beautiful colors and clarity.
Frank Brault10-May-2015 18:23
A fabulous portrait! Just delightful! V
Kim10-May-2015 18:00
Wonderful capture with amazing clarity and details! V
Blandine Mangin10-May-2015 15:28
un très beau plumage ! v
Gill Kopy10-May-2015 04:28
The plumage on these ducks is so amazing - super shot V
Hank Vander Velde10-May-2015 01:22
BEAUTIFUL sharp and colourful interaction image Jean.
Lieve Snellings09-May-2015 23:19
intruiging... V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet09-May-2015 20:25
Très belle photo de ce canard magnifique.
Neil Marcus09-May-2015 18:10
Gorgeous ducks. They look hand painted.
bill friedlander09-May-2015 15:37
Ahh, an intimate moment captured. Excellent details, Jean. V
Tom LeRoy09-May-2015 14:05
Perfect title, and what a fine shot, Jean. V
Walter Otto Koenig09-May-2015 13:03
Beautiful markings and colors and such great poses for you. "V"
Marcia Colelli09-May-2015 09:54
Wonderful capture of these two beauties V
Tom Munson09-May-2015 04:30
Great shot of this beautiful, duck, Jean.
Range View 09-May-2015 04:25
Marvelous capture of these beautiful ducks. V.
fotabug09-May-2015 04:12
They are absolutely beautiful! V
globalgadabout09-May-2015 03:11
beautiful moment, and completely endearing..
Jim Coffman09-May-2015 03:06
What a great capture of this beautiful pair!!