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Trent Watts | all galleries >> Birds >> Birds of Canada and U.S.A. >> Sandpipers and Phalaropes > Killdeer
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20-Apr-2015 Trent Watts


Near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Nikon D800E
1/400s f/4.8 at 500.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don24-May-2015 21:54
Great photo of this striking plover..
Dave Barnes23-May-2015 06:47
wow, a very intimate shot Trent!
godro23-Apr-2015 22:45
Nice capture!
Hank Vander Velde22-Apr-2015 12:22
Nice sharp closeup image Trent.
joseantonio22-Apr-2015 03:43
Love those long legs.Great capture.V.
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