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settler | all galleries >> Galleries >> This And That > By the old water mill.Wimbledon.jpg
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By the old water mill.Wimbledon.jpg

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Ian Dalgliesh18-Oct-2015 16:51
Iam sooooo jealous.I never seem to get anywhere near herons.Usually at about 100 yards they fly off.
Chris Spracklen23-Apr-2015 19:10
Great find and photo, my friend. *V*
Paco López20-Apr-2015 12:52
Beautiful... V!
Carol How18-Apr-2015 07:45
Wonderful balance and the heron is a great visual surprise! V
Wim Ensie14-Apr-2015 07:19
Yes a lovely picture and the blue heron is the surptise
Julie Oldfield13-Apr-2015 21:21
Very lovely composition. V
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