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Acheron Valley


Canon EOS 70D ,Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di-II LD Asp IF
1/125s f/9.0 at 40.0mm iso400

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Lieve Snellings11-Apr-2015 01:47
this is FANTASTIC composition ! BV
Buz Kiefer10-Apr-2015 20:30
Beautiful composition, David. Lovely vista, Vote.
Walter Otto Koenig10-Apr-2015 15:15
Beautiful landscape, and so well composed with the branches in the foreground. "V"
Martin Lamoon10-Apr-2015 13:29
Great capture of this countryside.
Yvonne10-Apr-2015 10:15
Beautifully composed image David! v
Marco Valk10-Apr-2015 09:53
Very nicely framed. Good shot.
Gerard Koehl10-Apr-2015 06:25
Magnifique paysage et belle composition. V
joseantonio10-Apr-2015 03:36
Love the way you framed this.v.
Carl Carbone10-Apr-2015 02:53
Enchanting shot!
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Apr-2015 02:07
Wonderful scene with the "branch man" looking over the herd.
Julie Oldfield10-Apr-2015 00:31
Nicely composed. I like the framing by the branches. V
Hank Vander Velde09-Apr-2015 23:22
Beautiful pastoral scene David. Nice sky, good light and shadows.
Jim Coffman09-Apr-2015 22:41
Really excellent composition,David!!Such a beautiful place!!
peterjay4509-Apr-2015 22:41
This is a beautiful scene David, well shot indeed.
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