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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte | all galleries >> Galleries >> candid >
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PauloCGama19-Oct-2018 17:15
Timeless and moody. Lots of beautiful details to be admired my friend. vv
MarcViskens03-Oct-2018 19:43
mooi gedaan
blizzard20-Jul-2015 00:42
sharp clear and a great composition
Dave Hawkins13-Jun-2015 13:32
A marvelous scene with wonderful light and composition
Gervan09-Dec-2014 18:02
Zeer geslaagde foto. V. (Frankrijk?)
Fong Lam06-Dec-2014 07:33
Great shot of those sailing boats against a backdrop of old charming houses....V
Yiannis Pavlis30-Nov-2014 13:39
Very beautiful scene Ronny.Best regards.
shatterbug19-Nov-2014 02:37
Picturesque location shot in lovely light!
Walter Otto Koenig18-Nov-2014 22:53
Beautiful lighting and clarity in this harbor scene. The old sailing ships and buildings make for a wonderful combination. "V"
Peter Sussex18-Nov-2014 20:09
Vibrant harbor scene with these boats, the time worn texture of the walls and roofs is compelling. V