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Point Roadknight

Anglesea, Victoria

This strange formation of rocks carved by mother nature stand at the headland a short distance from the town centre.
Point Roadknight has good walking tracks and there is good access via the beach to the rock formations.
It is easy to see how this headland protects the main beach from all the force of the Southern Ocean.

Canon EOS 6D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/125s f/11.0 at 67.0mm iso320

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Ron LaCroix01-Nov-2018 11:35
Wow! This looks sharp and hard and dangerous. Not inviting terraine!
Hennie & Lies Lammers14-Nov-2014 16:04
Splendid image, amazing rock formation V
Richard Marcus08-Nov-2014 22:09
Wonderful capture of this interesting rock formation. Excellent details and tones. V
Pieter Bos08-Nov-2014 19:42
Great rock formations! ~V
Peter Sussex08-Nov-2014 19:32
Looks like a very adventurous place, V
jychamberland08-Nov-2014 15:00
beautiful image!
David Lewins08-Nov-2014 11:57
Lovely rock formations and textures
Helen Betts08-Nov-2014 10:22
Very unusual rock formation, beautifully detailed and lit. V.
Zeeby08-Nov-2014 07:51
What an amazing rock formation, great capture. V
Gerard Koehl08-Nov-2014 07:26
Superbe formation rocheuse. V
joseantonio08-Nov-2014 07:00
Amazing rock formations.V.
Martin Lamoon08-Nov-2014 05:56
Superb capture of this rock formation.
Jean Chiasson08-Nov-2014 02:25
Splendid image and warm colors David vote
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