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03-OCT-2014 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Belladonna Lily Has Gone!

The Belladonna Lily (Naked Lady) that surprised us the last two years by coming up unexpectedly in our backyard has left us! All that is left is the bare naked stalk. But while she was with us she dazzled us with her matchless beauty. Before she left, she blessed us with six flowers at the top of that long stem. I wasn't able to get a shot of all six but did get this photo of four of the flowers with four buds, a few days before. I look forward to seeing her again next year!

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John S 06-Oct-2014 18:46
She is a beauty! :)
Digital Nuts06-Oct-2014 05:21
Absolutely stunning!
Julie Oldfield05-Oct-2014 16:51
Stunning light and color. V
Alexander Kazakov05-Oct-2014 06:44
Just beautiful! V
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS05-Oct-2014 02:23
I love the glow, and colors! ~V~
Bob Davis05-Oct-2014 01:54
beautiful Vern
janescottcumming05-Oct-2014 00:31
Stunning! Beautiful flowers and a marvelous presentation.
MarcViskens04-Oct-2014 20:06
nice work Vern
Anthony Joseph04-Oct-2014 19:44
Wonderful colors!
joseantonio04-Oct-2014 17:54
Simply spectacular.V.
Barry 04-Oct-2014 17:37
What a pretty flower you shot it perfect
Guest 04-Oct-2014 16:30
so pretty
parrothouse04-Oct-2014 15:41
The color stand out against the black
Kuriacose Joseph04-Oct-2014 15:09
Great lighting.
Laura Milholland04-Oct-2014 14:58
Wow - that's almost electric! Looks like you lit it with a blacklight. LOL Simply stunning, Vern.
Steve Thuman04-Oct-2014 14:48
Wonderful flowers and amazing lighting
Clarence King04-Oct-2014 13:41
Stunning color and detail. v
Stephanie04-Oct-2014 12:29
Such a special flower and capture of it! :)
Yvonne04-Oct-2014 11:29
They are so lovely, at least you got a shot this year Vern.
Jack Hoying04-Oct-2014 11:28
Wow, that is a beauty!!
fdt04-Oct-2014 08:29
Helen Betts04-Oct-2014 07:45
Beautiful presentation for this lovely lily!
Bea.04-Oct-2014 07:34
Another stunning shot of this beauty.
Long Bach Nguyen04-Oct-2014 06:26
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