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Jeffrey Lewis Knapp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Joyce D Patterson homeless > work of art coffee shop
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2008 image by Jeff Knapp

work of art coffee shop

The Essenza Coffee House was a coffee shop across the street from Fiesta Mall in Mesa Arizona.
I was in the coffee shop and noticed an art collage of picture frames on the wall created by
Mindy B. with the shadows of the letters of the window of the coffee shop overlapped on the design.

I angled the camera a bit, took a photograph of the frame collage with the shadows from
the window overlapped and this is the resulting image rimmed with the same framed photo.
Date of photo 2008. The phone number is disconnected and Essenza Coffee House is no longer
there. As a silent part of history, this will always be unknown, as to whom Mindy B. is,
where she is today and what she is doing now. She is a very creative artist.

Photography by Jeffrey Lewis Knapp, PO Box 991, Mesa AZ 85211-0991
web site with over 12,000 photos and 415 + galleries since 2002

Sony Mavica FD-100 ,Sony Optical 3x / Digital Zoom 6x

other sizes: small medium original auto
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