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Sue Anne Rush | all galleries >> Archive >> Gallery 2014 >> August 2014 > IMG_3646 Ice cream ...
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IMG_3646 Ice cream ...

and the above water ice flavors

Once a one room school house and now the 'German ice cream schoolhouse'.

CR2_3647 German school house

IMG_3648 German house

Canon EOS M
1/800s f/2.0 at 22.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Zeeby01-Sep-2014 22:38
So colorful series! Very well done! V
Karen Stuebing01-Sep-2014 20:28
Very colorful ices. I like your framing of the different flavors. Nice that they repurposed this old building into something do delightful. V.
Stephanie01-Sep-2014 12:16
What a wonderful place to go for ice cream! What town is this in Sue Anne?