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Nikon D7000
1/500s f/5.0 at 86.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pkocinski10-Aug-2014 12:06
Don't worry Toffee - nobody can see you hidden among the plants :-)
Noël09-Aug-2014 19:54
Very nice shot of Toffee looking after your plants or was he supervising? v
Chris09-Aug-2014 18:20
A delightful back garden view, appreciated by Toffee.
globalgadabout09-Aug-2014 18:02
pretty patio plants, and a handsome gardener too..
Helen Betts09-Aug-2014 17:43
Toffee seems to really enjoy your garden! Lovely natural framing for him. V.
Tom LeRoy09-Aug-2014 17:13
A beautiful Summer spot for Toffee in midst the pots of flowers and herbs! Hope you have planted some catnip for him. A beautiful shot! V
Frank Brault09-Aug-2014 16:33
Wonderful1 :) V
LynnH09-Aug-2014 15:52
Very nice framing of pots and flowers! V
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