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Robbie D70 | all galleries >> Galleries >> black_and_white > Sunny fields Near Bibury copy.jpg
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Sunny fields Near Bibury copy.jpg

Nikon D70
1/400s f/22.0 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
sian11-Aug-2014 12:11
Excellent comp Robbie and I love the varying textures throughout the scene. v
Martin Lamoon08-Aug-2014 08:11
Wonderful scene.
Jean Chiasson07-Aug-2014 22:42
Beautiful image and tones vote
Colin Storey07-Aug-2014 20:31
Very nicely framed mono scene.
Stephanie06-Aug-2014 20:56
Beautiful B&W work Robbie! The wavy grain is capturing the lighting wonderfully! V
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