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The Ellisons | all galleries >> Collections >> The Colourful Splendour of Nighttime Wandering > shrine of Fatima Masumeh / فاطمة بنت الإما
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shrine of Fatima Masumeh / فاطمة بنت الإما

Qom / قم‎

Fatima Masumeh (March 22, 790 AD – November 7 or 9, 816 AD) was the daughter of the seventh Twelver Shī‘ah Imām, Mūsā' al-Kādhim and sister of the eighth Twelver Shī‘ah Imām, ‘Ali ar-Ridhā.

Foreigners (non-muslims) are not often allowed inside the complex, but we were lucky and also had a 1,5 hour meeting with the Grand-Ayatollah of Qom.

Nikon COOLPIX P310
1/60s f/2.8 at 5.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Helen Betts06-Jul-2014 19:28
Well, now, this attire looks very familiar to me! Love light in the shrine, and how fortunate for you that you were able to go inside. V.
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