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Ann | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scotland 2014 > Looking across Loch Torridon
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Looking across Loch Torridon

Nikon D300
1/50s f/11.0 at 31.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Being Me17-Jul-2014 11:56
Laura Milholland05-Jul-2014 23:24
I so love seeing these marvelous and rugged places through your lens, Ann! Stunning. V
Ruth Voorhis05-Jul-2014 17:23
Stunning capture of this timeless wilderness, Ann. Just beautiful! V
Ed Duverger05-Jul-2014 14:07
Looking at this landscape could inspire to write a very romantic story.
Extremely moody.
Roger Bailey05-Jul-2014 10:44
Stunning, so many shades of green.
EAArellano05-Jul-2014 01:36
fotabug05-Jul-2014 00:50
Scotland is sure beautiful! You make me want to see it!
Barry Ailetcher04-Jul-2014 23:33
This image looks like you could hike for days around it super shot
Bea.04-Jul-2014 22:59
So wonderfully rugged. V.
Paul Milholland04-Jul-2014 22:20
Wonderful somber light that suits the scene perfectly.
Martin Lamoon03-Jul-2014 09:01
Magnifiecnt photograph of this stunning view.v
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