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San Leandro

"Hot" Quartz light (1), with warm filter.
Mimi Hazel

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 06-Aug-2014 01:51
Ditto ditto. Best J
franckjd02-Aug-2014 13:09
Geary B23-Jul-2014 20:55
Everything came together well, the light, pose , model's expression. Also like the shadow area on the perimeter. Tremendous photo! V
Jean Chiasson16-Jul-2014 23:04
Wow great big vote
Ken Chambers ARPS27-Jun-2014 16:09
Nice communication between you and the model Jim
François Fauchard27-Jun-2014 14:49
This model is superb ! Excellent lighting and colors. V
Dan the Man27-Jun-2014 13:31
Wow!!! She is very well captured... Bravo Jim you have done it again! GREAT work!
Colin Dixon CPAGB27-Jun-2014 07:57
Stunning Jim BV
Milan Vogrin27-Jun-2014 06:52
Louis Indelicato26-Jun-2014 20:56
Nice lighting, very beautiful model.My favorite pose.
Walter Otto Koenig26-Jun-2014 18:52
Nice work with the lighting.