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Chris Picard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Washington State Landscapes > Grand Coulee Dam
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Grand Coulee Dam

A two picture panorama taken from Crown Point Vista.

Nikon D7100
1/250s f/16.0 at 18.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad18-Jun-2014 03:20
Excellent panorama view of the dam! Voted
Sandy Rich18-Jun-2014 02:58
Great light under ominous clouds. A terrific pano.
Hank Vander Velde18-Jun-2014 00:48
A well captured and well composed pano image Chris.
Tom Munson17-Jun-2014 20:11
I know this area well, Chris. Great shot.
Pieter Bos17-Jun-2014 19:33
Very nice panorama! ~V
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)17-Jun-2014 19:33
Excellent color. Fantastic composition. I really like the clouds. A very pleasing image. Well done. V.
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