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San Lenadro

Mimi Hazel

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Sam_C29-Jul-2014 05:30
I love the hot lights on her! V++
Colin Dixon CPAGB15-Jun-2014 21:10
wow great ass ets BV
Barry Ailetcher15-Jun-2014 16:55
Great lighting Jim super shooting
David Gonzalez15-Jun-2014 14:44
Well done. I love the lighting and the red waall and black bed rail.
Fred Gary15-Jun-2014 14:12
Great light you really highlighted a beautiful asset.
Dan the Man15-Jun-2014 13:11
I like it!!! Intimate and you know what? I have a bed conforter that look just like this one but for a King Size bed!!! ♫
Louis Indelicato15-Jun-2014 10:14
Very well done !
BAS Photography15-Jun-2014 06:31
Excellent! ~V~