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John Lamb | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monthly Challenges > Leaping Trout, swimming ducks.
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13-MAY-2014 © John Lamb 2014

Leaping Trout, swimming ducks.

Dunedin Botanic Gardens.

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Jola Dziubinska15-May-2014 21:33
Cool statue in the water, well seen. V.
Dawn Seitz14-May-2014 13:10
Creative point of view. V
Don Mottershead14-May-2014 07:16
Excellent capture.
LynnH14-May-2014 01:19
Nice PoV with the ducky background! V
Stephanie13-May-2014 23:41
Leapin' lizards! I really like the statue! :)
J. Scott Coile13-May-2014 14:41
I think you could catch that one :-)
Janice Dunn13-May-2014 04:36
Terrific catch John...
Brian McAllister13-May-2014 04:20
Fabulous capture! V
Janet Donnelly13-May-2014 01:21
You outdid yourself on this little gem ...... exceptional .... way to go! ~V~
Frank Brault13-May-2014 01:08
Fabulous! A great action image. V
Walter Otto Koenig12-May-2014 23:36
Great with this depth of field and the droplets on the "trout". "V"
Brenda12-May-2014 23:15
This made me smile! Love it.
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