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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vancouver Lifestyle > Helens Grocery
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09-MAR-2014 Carol How

Helens Grocery

Vancouver, BC

The small independent grocer's store is becoming a rarity… and this one is located in the middle of the block in East Vancouver, surrounded by homes. It has in recent years changed its name to Wing Tat, with no effort to have the old owners' sign removed.

Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2/35 ZF
1/250s f/9.0 at 35.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dan Greenberg09-Jul-2014 20:21
Great scene with its own special character brought to life with your excellent processing. ~BV~
settler30-Jun-2014 20:01
God bless Helen..V!
Patricia Kay19-Jun-2014 20:59
Fabulous image of this store Carol...interesting and unusual to find a store like that in this day....BV
Jeff Real17-May-2014 14:37
This is a great find and you have absolutely made the most of it with this sterling photograph...I love it! ~V~
Sandy Rich07-May-2014 21:11
Great to see that some survive and are recycled. A great find.
Sam Rua05-May-2014 16:31
Nice find and capture, Carol. It seems that all of the new money pouring into the area will continue to put pressure on places like this.
Marcia Rules05-May-2014 12:47
how unexpected! Great processing! V
settler05-May-2014 09:02
Fascinating..hope Helen lives on..V!
John Reynolds LRPS05-May-2014 06:24
Gerard Koehl05-May-2014 04:26
Superbe prise de ce bazard. V
Richard Marcus05-May-2014 02:02
Great capture with wonderful processing! One of the few survivors. V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad05-May-2014 01:41
A gem and a great find! V
We love finding little mom & pop stores and restaurants across the countryside. Even more remarkable to find one in the big City.
janescottcumming05-May-2014 00:49
I'll bet they sell a little bit of everything. I like the processing too!
Julie Oldfield05-May-2014 00:27
What a great find. They are certainly disappearing. Wonderful processing.
globalgadabout04-May-2014 23:54
delectable scene defining an era and a mindset...the remaining small businesses are to be treasured, bulwarks against the larger homogenization...V
Jim Coffman04-May-2014 21:58
Wonderful processing. It really suits the image... Nice work,Carol...
Walter Otto Koenig04-May-2014 20:58
Great details with this processing. Nice to see this old survivor. So much more interesting than a supermarket. "V"
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