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cobler | all galleries >> Galleries >> THE ONE AND ONLY > Teenage Marilyn
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Teenage Marilyn

The young and fresh Marilyn
She was the best at this time
Girl next door

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Fong Lam07-Jan-2018 02:02
You have captured her care-free youth masterfully and with such delightful colors....V
MarcViskens09-Jun-2016 17:36
very nice
Buz Kiefer03-Jun-2016 19:59
Yep, I think so too. Really nice work, Larry. Vote.
Ken Chambers ARPS27-Apr-2014 22:21
It is out of this world, the pattern on the parasol really clinches it for me Larry
Jeff Real26-Apr-2014 14:11
Absolutely amazing my friend! ~V~
Jim Coffman26-Apr-2014 13:41
I agree,very delightful image,Larry!
Jim's Atavistic Visions26-Apr-2014 13:38
What a delight!
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