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chris morton | all galleries >> Herefordshire, home until August 2014 - click on more galleries within >> Holme Lacy Church > the nave
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the nave

the elaborate screen leads to a small side chapel

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Shmuel Halevi05-Mar-2014 16:54
Excellent! V.
Tom LeRoy05-Mar-2014 08:50
Excellent exposure, nice lighting and colors on that beautiful glass. V
Blandine Mangin05-Mar-2014 07:48
beautiful perspective! v
Sheila05-Mar-2014 03:17
Lovely old interior. The light coming through is very nice indeed.
woody3404-Mar-2014 23:47
A lovely interior, delightful capture...V
Kim04-Mar-2014 22:07
Very nice interior shot! V
John Reynolds LRPS04-Mar-2014 21:20
Well deposed interior capture. Nice colours in the window. V.
Johnny JAG04-Mar-2014 21:16
Nice light through the stained glass
larose forest photos04-Mar-2014 20:57
Fabulous shot! This is truly a lovely image. V
Helen Betts04-Mar-2014 18:54
Very nice light in this image, and an appealing composition. I take it the screen is in the image below?
Tom Munson04-Mar-2014 17:20
Beautiful with that stained glass.
Martin Lamoon04-Mar-2014 10:33
Well exposed to get these windows so clear and the rest of the inside.
joseantonio04-Mar-2014 10:24
Very nice image of this little church.V.
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