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Linda A | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2014: New Horizons Beckon > 18th January 2014 - what's a girl to do?
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18th January 2014 - what's a girl to do?

In a perfect world I could afford a new pair of glasses. These are, well, basically cruddy. They have smeary smudgy pizza dough all over them from last night’s late-night pizza-making session. They have assorted other detritus and muck from being constantly shifted from top of head to in front of eyes and back again.

My problem is that I can’t see a thing close-up without them and I can’t see a thing long-distance with them on. I have four pairs of them, two of which are a two-year-old prescription, the other two are a four-year-old prescription. I have no idea which are which because I was dimwitted enough to buy the same glasses twice in a row...note to self - change the frame if you're changing the script!!!

What I do know is that all four pairs are stretched all to glory because of the perching on top of the head but what’s a girl to do? I can’t go anywhere without them. It’s really annoying when I am in the supermarket and can’t read labels! I’ve tried hanging them from a rope around my neck but until I tried that option I had no idea how much food I drop down me…most of which landed on the glass of my glasses. I must be the messiest eater on the planet. When I die in suspicious circumstances, the forensic scientists will be able to trace my last days by what food is on the lenses of my specs!

Every time I lean forwards, they slip from my bonce and I’ve developed a fantastic reflex action whereby they start to slide and I’m able to pluck them from their freefall before they’ve come to harm. I’d set my heart on a new pair when I got my eyes tested recently but my prescription was so close to the old one, the kind optician suggested that I stuck with what I’d got. That’s all very well but it’d have been so nice to get a pair of bifocals that had clear glass in the top and my prescription in the bottom of the lenses so I wasn’t constantly pulling them on and off my bonce.

Still I suppose the upside is I’ve not had to buy hairclips recently.

...Hey, I've just thought, does this classify as a selfie?

Canon EOS 5D
1/125s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robin Reid19-Jan-2014 01:10
A great selfie!
SRW19-Jan-2014 00:31
I have John's recommended Clics... -- fabulous! Watch CSI: New York, if you want to see them in action.

I think this is a 'spelfie' -- a bespectacled selfie...! Great idea for an SP....
Guest 18-Jan-2014 23:46
I need a new prescription too Waiting until I'm in the UK in March though.....eye tests over here are extortionate!
Guest 18-Jan-2014 23:45
I wear mine round my neck (so far I only need reading glasses)..........I have them on my face when I eat because I like to look at my food!
Ed Preston18-Jan-2014 23:42
And a fine selfie it is! I once tried a contact in one eye and nothing in the other, seems the eyes will figure it out. It worked while at work but was told not to drive that way. Found out I had more trouble putting it in so I went back to putting my glasses on top of my head (where they are now) or on my desk. Good luck!
Al Chesworth18-Jan-2014 22:52
Try shaving your hair/head then they won't slip down, ( an engineers answer ).
JW18-Jan-2014 22:35
Hey Linda - have you seen these:
